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Llewellyn Subaru Disclaimer

Llewellyn Subaru has made every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this site. Copyright in the material on this site is owned by Llewellyn Subaru, i-Motor Pty Ltd and Subaru Australia Pty LTD

1. The information contained on this site:

  1. Is for general information only and does not purport to be comprehensive;
  2. Is current only at the time it is placed on this site and Llewellyn Subaru, its employees and agents are under no obligation to update the information or correct any inaccuracy which may become apparent at a later time; and
  3. Is not intended to provide or make any recommendation or binding offer on which you should rely for any purpose whatsoever.

2. Llewellyn Subaru does not give any warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained on its website or the availability of the vehicles listed and, if you rely on it, you do so at your own risk.

3. Any prices specified on this site are in Australian dollars.

4. All listed vehicles are subject to prior sale. Check with Llewellyn Subaru for the current status of all listed vehicles.

5. To the extent permitted by law, Llewellyn Subaru specifically excludes any liability for any error or inaccuracy in, or omissions from, its website and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage which you or any other person has suffered by relying on any information on this website whether caused by the negligence of Llewellyn Subaru or otherwise. Under no circumstances will Llewellyn Subaru or any of its employees and agents be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including damages for loss of business or other profits arising as a result of the use of material which appears on this website.

*24HR & Weekend Test Drive Disclaimer.

Demonstration Drive Agreement Terms

Subject to vehicle availability, only available during dealerships working hours, Llewellyn Motors is happy to allow our prospective customers to drive our New & Used vehicles for demonstration purposes under the conditions listed below:

1) The Driver provides a copy of their current Drivers License

2) The Driver is responsible for paying and/or reimbursing the dealer for all parking infringements, camera detected offences, fines, penalties and traffic violations whilst in control of the vehicle.

3) In the event of any loss or damage whilst the vehicle is under the control of the driver, they agree to pay the costs of the repair or the insurance Excess of $1,000 should the dealer request.

4) A $1000 excess for drivers above 25 years of age in the event of an accident (to be collected by our insurance company)

5) A $1800 excess for drivers under 25 years of age in the event of an accident (to be collected by our insurance company)

Privacy Statement

Your Personal Information is being collected by Ross Llewellyn Motors Pty Ltd (ABN 81 010 428 841) so that we can identify you and confirm you are correctly licensed to take the selected vehicle for a demonstration drive. We may disclose your personal information to third parties such as the police, local council authorities or our insurers if the vehicle is involved in any traffic or parking infringements or is damaged during a demonstration drive. The Copy of your Drivers License will be held on file for a period no longer then 60 days to ensure no traffic or parking infringements are received.

From time to time, we would like to let you know about our products & services, including specials offers. If you do not want us to do so, please advise your consultant and they will amend your customer record, removing you from any further contact. If you would like more information about our Privacy Policy refer to

Driveaway Price

1. Drive Away No More to Pay - This price is indicative only 0- Government charges may vary. Contact the dealer to determine the charges applicable to you.

Hyundai Free Option of Accessories, Fuel or Servicing. Offer Ends 31/08/23

Terms and conditions apply. Offers valid only at Llewellyn Hyundai during the promotional period. Promotional offers are subject to availability and may change without prior notice. Offers cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts. The "$1000 worth of Genuine Accessories" offer is applicable for the purchase of a new Hyundai vehicle and can only be redeemed for genuine Hyundai accessories or $1000 Free Fuel" offer entitles the customer to a $1000 fuel voucher, which will be provided in accordance with the terms set by Llewellyn Hyundai or the "3 Years Free Servicing" offer includes standard scheduled servicing for a period of three years from the date of purchase, as per Hyundai's recommended service intervals. All offers are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other alternatives. Offers do not apply to fleet, government, or rental buyers. Visit Llewellyn Hyundai for full details and to take advantage of these exclusive offers. Offers valid until the end of August. Llewellyn Hyundai reserves the right to modify or cancel these offers at any time without liability. Must be ordered and delivered by 31st August 2023. *Applicable on new vehicles in stock only.

*Llewellyn Subaru $500 Accessory Gift Voucher - Terms and Conditions

The Llewellyn Subaru $500 Accessory Gift Voucher is exclusive to customers of Llewellyn Subaru. The Voucher is applicable to individuals who have purchased a vehicle from Llewellyn Subaru. The Voucher holds a value of $500 and can be used solely for the purchase of Subaru vehicle accessories at Llewellyn Subaru. The Voucher value is non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash or any other form of credit. The Voucher cannot be combined with any other offers, discounts, or promotions, unless otherwise stated by Llewellyn Subaru. The Voucher can only be redeemed at Llewellyn Subaru, located at 246 Brisbane Rd, Booval. To redeem the Voucher, the customer must present the physical or digital copy of the Voucher at the time of purchase. The Voucher must be redeemed before the expiration date stated on the Voucher. Exclusions: The Voucher cannot be used to purchase vehicles, vehicle financing, vehicle servicing, or any non-accessory items at Llewellyn Subaru. The Voucher cannot be applied to previous purchases made before the Voucher's effective date. Excludes fleet, trade & wholesales customers. The Voucher is valid for use until the expiration date printed on the Voucher. After the expiration date, the Voucher will become void and cannot be redeemed. Llewellyn Subaru reserves the right to modify or cancel the Voucher program at any time without prior notice. In the event of program cancellation, any unused Vouchers will become void.